Week 2 Distributed Tracing
Andrew walks us through improving the observability using 4 different tracing tools - AWS X-Ray, AWS CloudWatch, Rollbar and Honeycomb.
0. Learning Materials
Andrew's repo: week-2
My branch repo: 02-00-distributed-tracing
Task List
Honeycomb in Cruddur App
to send logs to HoneyComb
Customise tracing
Add customised
and;Test on HoneyComb console
Env Variables
1. Workflow
HoneyComb Setup on Console
Create an Environment by clicking on the blue button at the right-top corner.
Navigate to your Environment's Settings then grab the API Keys.
Instrumenting Honeycomb in Cruddur App (Gitpod)
We have to add the environmental variables to our backend Docker container. Add the following environment variable to docker-compose.yml
in your local machine.
In order to set up HoneyComb, we need a few OpenTelemetry packages. Add the following Python libraries to requirements.txt
(lines 4-8).
Add the packages for HoneyComb to app.py
Add the following lines to initialise tracing.
Line 2:
will send data to HoneyComb. It reads the env variables to configure where to send log data to.Now the initial setup and configuration is complete. Run
and hit some endpoints of your Cruddur app (fiddle around pages here and there, click around things that work, such as Home and Notification to generate some activities - namely, http requests).
Testing Tracing on HoneyComb
Now, let's move to the HoneyComb console on the broswer. We want to check if the data is flowing smoothly from our Gitpod environment to HoneyComb.
If the HoneyComb is configured correctly in your Cruddur app, your HoneyComb environment should start seeing some data on the Console. The following image shows that my environment received a total of 9 traces.
Create span data for tracing
Now that we confirmed that data are sent correctly to HoneyComb, we can start customising for more detailed observability.
Add the following lines to our flask app. I recommend comparing your code against the repo file to make sure you know where these lines sit.
line 1: import two exporters
from the packageOpenTelemetry
. These exporters export the span data generated by Cruddur.line 3: create a TracerProvider. This manages the overall telemetry pipeline.
line 4: a
exports spans using the OTLP (OpenTelemetry Protocol) format to an OTLP exporter.line 5: add the processor to the
. Spans will be exported in OTLP format in batch.lines 7-8: a
exports spans to the console using theConsoleSpanExporter
Now, let's see if the data are going through.
.Then check the logs - either by clicking on the 'View the logs' button or running the command:
docker logs --tail 1000 -f <YOUR_CONTAINER_ID>
In case you have multiple trace environments and you want to check which is which, our Week 2 guest instructor Jessica Kerr created an awesome HoneyComb team identifier.
Customising traces
Using the set_attribute
function of the span
class, we can add and send our custom data to HoneyComb. Add the following lines to the HomActivities service (backend-flask/servicse/home_activities.py
line 2: import
from theopentelemetry
library.line 4: create a
object.line 8: using the
from line 4, wrap the dataresults
so we send them over to our HoneyComb tracing environment.line 13: Make sure to indent this line correctly so the span attribute
belongs to the statement blockwith tracer.start_as_current_span
. Python is really sensitive to indentation.
Restart the docker compose, then
Hit the backend endpoint for
Now, check on the HoneyComb console if the span has come through.
Now that our tracing data are accumulated, we can start extracting more insights from these data. Observability tools offer various data processing metrics and features. In the image below, for instance, Jessica walked us through the Heatmap feature.
Heatmap is useful for visualising data to highlight the concentration or density of data points (typically using colour).
+ Configuring Gitpod
This is not relevant to the HoneyComb setup, configuration and tracing testing. However, it helps ensure the port configuration for our Gitpod environment. Andrew decides to add the ports as the other Andrew whispers that the first Andrew really needs to do it lol.
Add the ports in
2. Discussion
We must always use different base images for development and production for the following reasons:
Dev version: during development, we need a lot of dev assistance tools and dependencies such as logging, hot reloading and all that jazz.
Prod version: on the other hand, we want a super slim verbsion of base image without all the tools you used in development. It is more secure and faster to have as little dependencies installed as possible.
Last updated