Week 1 Resources
Week 1 Live stream
hub.docker.com: the world's largest library and community for container images
docker hub scratch: most useful for building base images or minimal images
linuxserver.io: building and maintaining community images
jfrog.com: the JFrog Platform gives you an end-to-end pipeline to control the flow of your binaries from build to production.
Python library: docker file repository for Python containerisation
1.1.0 Create the notification feature (backend and front)
OpenAPI: a specification for a machine-readable interface definition language for describing, producing, consuming and visualizing web services.
ReadMe: transforms your API docs into interactive hubs that help developers succeed.
1.2.0 DynamoDB and Postgres vs Docker
AWS Deploying DynamoDB locally on your computer: Download DynamoDB local for Docker
Josh Hargett's blog: the amazing summary of the entire week 1
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